Monday, June 8, 2009

Avocation vs. Vocation

Since I've been on this current Job Search, I've really given a lot of thought to what direction I would like my career to go in. To that end, I have been looking at different kinds of jobs than I might have considered in the past when I was strictly focused on the entertainment industry.

I have been particularly interested in checking out the non-profit sector. Last week, I was writing cover letters for two jobs at non-profits. One of these could really be a dream job for me, allowing me to unite my background with not only my love of community service, but also my passion for science. I took advantage of the opportunity which the cover letter affords to shine a spotlight on skills that are hidden in my resume. Here are the highlights:

  • I am currently Treasurer of the Hillsides Volunteer Network. I have been a member of HVN for 12 years and have held every office except Children's Activities Chair - serving a three-year term as Executive Chair (including a non-voting seat on the Board of Directors), two-year terms as Membership Chair, Communications Chair, and now as Treasurer, and a one-year term as Social Events & Fundraising Co-Chair. I have worked closely with Hillsides Outreach & Development Departments, assisting in updating the membership database, promoting communication via social networking sites, and supporting fundraising events.

  • I worked for Disney for over 15 years. In that time, I was very involved with Disney VoluntEARS, serving a three-year term on their Steering Committee (now called Leadership Council). I also served one term on the Cast Community Fund Grant review committee which awards grants to local non-profits.

  • After leaving Disney, I was hired by Disney Worldwide Outreach to develop a volunteer database so that they could target emails to volunteers with specific interests rather than blasting all the volunteers Company-wide each week.

As the saying goes "Do something you love and you will never work a day in your life". I think I may be on to something...

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